Vitamin H, commonly called biotin, is part of the B complex vitamin group. Getting enough biotin can regulate your blood sugar, support healthy hair, skin, and nails, and boost immunity power. How much biotin is enough, how can you add it to your diet, and how can it benefit your health?

What is Biotin, and Why is it Important?
As part of the B vitamin group, biotin helps the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. B vitamins, also called B complex vitamins, help the body metabolize fats and proteins. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store it. B complex vitamins promote healthy hair, skin, nails, and liver. They also help to regulate the nervous system.
Our bodies need biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids. The functions of these macronutrients are part of important metabolic processes, such as glucose and fatty acids. Biotin is a common ingredient in many cosmetic products for hair and skin, helping to strengthen these aspects of the body.
Cause of Biotin Deficiency
While fairly rare, a nutritional biotin deficiency may occur for several reasons:
Genetic disorders
Drinking a high amount of alcohol regularly
Taking medications that prevent the body from absorbing the right amount of nutrients
Intestinal problems
Excessive dieting that prevents your body from receiving the desired amount of vitamins for the body to properly function
Biotin Deficiency Symptoms
The following may be symptoms of a biotin deficiency:
Hair loss, thinning hair, brittle hair
Skin rashes and dry eyes
Numbness and tingling
Loss of appetite
Fungal infections
While biotin cannot be absorbed through the skin, a quick way to restore low biotin levels and reduce deficiency symptoms is through IV therapy.
Biotin Rich Foods
It’s important to get enough biotin through your diet and vitamin intake. Regular biotin supplements combined with IV therapy and a healthy diet will deliver nutrients into your bloodstream for immediate bioavailability. Biotin-rich foods include:
Eggs: One egg typically contains about 10 mcg of biotin. Eggs also contain Vitamin A, D, and zinc.
Salmon: salmon contains 5 mcg of biotin, as well as omega-3 fatty acids which support optimal body growth.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain 2.4 mcg of biotin as well as beta-carotene which benefits the skin.
Liver: It contains 30.8 mcg of biotin. Liver also contains high amounts of protein which helps strengthen muscles and provides your body with energy.
Biotin Benefits
By consuming the right amount of biotin through food and supplements, your body will reach its optimal amount of biotin to provide your body with noticeable benefits for the body’s overall functioning.
Benefits of biotin include:
1. Regulates Metabolism:
Biotin helps regulate and improve the body’s metabolism levels. Biotin uses the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates available and converts them into the desired form of energy.
2. Boosts Immunity Power:
Biotin helps generate the right amount of white blood cells that boost the body’s immunity. Biotin deficiencies are often associated with immune system problems.
3. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
Biotin helps reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin production. The B vitamin also enhances the glucose levels in the body, helping to control Type-2 diabetes.
4. Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
Biotin supports the production of fatty acids that strengthen the skin’s barrier and help oil glands properly function. Additionally, biotin stimulates keratin production in hair, supporting thicker, healthier-looking hair. Biotin also reduces hair loss, dandruff, and scalp itchiness.
5. Repairs Tissues and Muscles
Biotin’s anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help prevent muscle and tissue problems, as well as help to support any needed repair. By quickly repairing any affected tissues and muscles, biotin helps the body’s performance and recovery time.
6. Suppresses Inflammation
Biotin’s anti-inflammatory properties also help minimize the various issues related to inflammation, including unwanted redness, swelling, and irritation. Its anti-inflammatory properties additionally prevent the recurrence of allergies and inflammation by targeting the root cause of the problem.
7. Promotes Brain Function
Biotin helps regulate the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Biotin helps the brain formulate myelin sheath, a fatty substance that protects the brain from various problems. Healthy levels of myelin allow nerve cells to effectively communicate. Research has shown that this communication may reduce the level of disability in people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
It’s recommended that adults consume 30-100 milligrams of biotin a day. The B vitamin plays a crucial role in the metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins, supporting the body in many ways. Biotin boosts the health of hair, skin, and nails, manages blood sugar levels, and regulates metabolism, among other benefits. If you have a biotin deficiency and are experiencing deficiency symptoms, you can increase your biotin intake by consuming biotin-rich foods or by taking biotin supplements.
Create Biotin Supplements with Gummi World
Looking to create flavor-packed supplements packed with nutrients? Gummi World will take care of the entire manufacturing process from research and development to testing to production, all within our SQF-certified facility. Your clients and customers can be assured that your products are backed by science to benefit their health needs. Contact us today to learn more about how you can create custom products that provide your customers with great flavor and powerful nutritional benefits.